Photos by Jennifer Browning

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

A place where you can really get away

Stuck in the middle of the South Pacific between Hawaii and New Zealand, Tokelau takes twenty-eight hours by boat. Now that is what you call remote! The mini-country has a handful of vehicles and 1600 residents which overshadows the 8000 Tokelauans who live 500k south in New Zealand, Australia, and Samoa. Currently governed by its nearest neighbor, New Zealand, Tokelau's inhabitants are seeking to self govern themselves in free association with New Zealand.

The island's three main coral atoll's spread across 168 km of ocean. None of the 128 islets are more than 200 meters wide or more than 5 meters above sea level. There HAS to be great diving there......I am drooling as I type (can't be good for the Mac). Traveling to and from might be a challenge, but if the return trip seemed too difficult, then why return to reality at all? hmmmmm.........



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