Photos by Jennifer Browning

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Wreck Dive, Wreck Dive: Which direction to choose?

MIAMI BEACH--So I am here on South Beach with my friend Marnie and have actually gotten some much needed rest while she completes her night shifts at the hospital. Last night we attended Pablo's Party (a long-haired black lab)where I sucked down some of Linda's excellent jello shots, met some very interesting people and engaged in some scuba talk. Which way do we go? To the north to Ft. Lauderdale where wreck dives are ever so popular? Or do we head to the Keys.......Key Largo specifically for a start on Spiegel Grove..............hmmmmmm...

my suggestion.........

we have a week.........why not both?

I have to say that Haiti is still a huge let down, but it's so good to be here with Marnie and having someone to dive-talk with. Being near the ocean again seems to make Dallas less and less appealing...if only Dallas were further south? That's a whole other discussion. Today we will start making our dive excited!


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