Photos by Jennifer Browning

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Plankton vanishing from California waters

More evidence of global warming and the effect it's having on our ocean's ecosystem reared it's ugly head. Plankton are vanishing from Northern California waters creating stress for wildlife and the fishing industry. The cause is linked to the lack of a seasonal upwelling which is the seasonal movement of cold, nutrient-rich offshore water into areas near shore.

Krill (upper size limit of zooplankton) drive the food web dynamics off the coast of Northern California and the lack of this tiny shrimp-like crustacean is effecting all wildlife from the humback whales,salmon, to rare seabirds like auklets. While salmon seem to be adapting by feeding on bait fish like sardines and anchovies, auklets feed almost extensively on krill. With their main food source lacking, marine ecologists are predicting zero nesting success for the birds.



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