Photos by Jennifer Browning

Friday, June 17, 2005

For Newbie Bloggers: Posting Comments

HOPKINSVILLE, KY---I have been out of commission for the past few days. Spent a couple of days on Kentucky Lake with my dad, his girlfriend and my brother. Good times.......even had my first experience on a jet ski.......ok so maybe this shows my age, but I prefer the real was brother proceeded to scare the crap out of me......but would rather be pulled behind a boat.......maybe it's sort of a control thing?

OK on with the blogger help. I have had a couple of people email me saying they were confused about how to post a comment. Apparently they have been clicking on the little envelope icon at the bottom of the posts thinking they were leaving a comment. That's not how you do it kiddos. No is some help.

1. The little white envelope is to email that specific post to someone else. You will have to put your email and your friend's email. Then you can also leave a comment. It doesn't post to Scuba Gypsy. It is only between you and your cronie.

2. To post a comment click on the word/link COMMENT and that will lead you in the right direction.

For more specific instructions go here:

3. If you go to the right column, click on the title of a post to select that specific post. This will make that one post show up on it's own page, then below that you will see all the comments posted, and a phrase that says POST A COMMENT. Click that and it will take you to the screen to allow you to post a comment.

Happy Blogging and thanks for reading!


Blogger Jen B said...

some aren't as smart as a yellow puppy

6/25/2005 3:20 PM  

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