Photos by Jennifer Browning

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

USS Spiegel with Nikonos in tow

KEY LARGO-- Dove the Spiegel again today. Confident that I understood the swift current situation I decided I would be able to handle the camera. The Nikonos V along with the strobe seemed cumbersome as I tried to climb along the tag line. Multi-tasking was the word for the day as I struggled along the rope while trying to wrap the lanyard spiral around the camera and fasten it back to my BC. I felt that if I slipped that I would be whisked out by the boats tied to the other mooring The currents were much stronger today than the day before and I used 500 pounds of air just getting to the buoy marking the mooring line.....obviously doing a little too much at once.

Once again we were diving the stern because the other dive boats had beat us to the other lines. A little bummed.........but on the other hand it was comforting to dive a similar spot and know what I wanted to shoot. Once again it was a fabulous dive saw another Goliath below us as we approached the stern.This time carefully watching my NDL and my gauges I slowly sunk down to 125 feet in hopes he would stay still enough to get a good shot. Perfect. Well, hopefully it is perfect...but apparently Marnie noticed that even though I was maintaining buoyancy as best I could that I was still sinking....but that is another post at another time.

We explored similar areas of the stern but today we had a small light to try to look in some exposed parts of the wreck.....very cool. So we just explored as much as we could for a bottom time of 26 minutes. Hopefully when I return to Dallas and get my film developed I will also have a shot of Marnie near the prop for now I wait.


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