Photos by Jennifer Browning

Monday, June 06, 2005

Submerged At Last in Key Largo

Molasses Reef

This afternoon we headed out with Brian of Island Ventures. We ascended on Molasses Reef first. A maximum of 25ft. and a part of the environmentally protected John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park, Molasses was a great starter dive. Upon our descent, we caught a glimpse of a nurse shark sneaking under a part of the reef, possibly avoiding us. The current was a little rough and several surges swayed us back and forth through the reef’s trenches. This made it quite challenging to photograph anything because it made it almost impossible to stay still enough to get sharp photos but we will see.

A Wreck of A Wreck

At our next dive at the Benwood Wreck the current subsided and the surges were minor. I was more comfortable with the rented Nikonos and there was lots of sea life to shoot. We saw Huge Atlantic Spadefish, lots of Christmas Tree Worms, a Goliath Grouper, a large beautiful puffer fish, a baby spotted moray eel and a Scorpion Fish hiding deep within the wreck. It was also a relatively shallow dive (41ft.) so we enjoyed a nice bottom time of 55 minutes.


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©2005 Jennifer Browning. All photos unless otherwise noted are the property of Jennifer Browning. Please seek permission before using or linking photos