Photos by Jennifer Browning

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Cayman coral reefs in crisis

According to Cathy Church, Cayman island reefs are in danger.

Coral damage stems from recent hurricanes, rising temperatures from global warming as well as coral diseases brought on by pollution.

Varieties of fish among the Cayman reefs are in decline as well. Church said that while fishing is prohibited along the coral walls, fishing line is found on any dive site around the island. While Marine Enforcement officers enforce the illegal fishing law, Church believes officers need to be more strict about the limitations on where to fish.

Recent Ministry of Tourism honouree for his contribution to the local dive industry, Peter Milburn believes overall the coral reefs are in good shape and that there is an abundance of fish life as a result of less fishing among the reefs. Milburn believes the coral reefs are suffocating from algae blooms cause by too much fresh water and dirty water getting into the sea.

Church blames island development as a contributor to polluted reefs.

“This porous little island cannot support high level development because everything we do ends up on the reef,” she said.“Every little bit we do kills off a little more reef”.



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