Photos by Jennifer Browning

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

RE: reasons to sink

Wade wrote in to Scuba Gypsy:

"You have posted way too many articles on your blog for me to catch up. I'm trying though. Tell me the reason for sinking an airplane in a body of water. Is it to make like a waterpark for the sea creatures? I'm sure there is some reason. Maybe it's just the regular body of water would be just too boring scuba people."

Waterpark for sea creatures would be childish imagination is running a little wild....but I am thinking of sea monsters and they don't really exist....

To answer your question, as far as scuba parks are concerned, since most don't have aquatic creatures (Athens Scuba Park is a former clay quarry) then sinking DART busses, jets, Clint Eastwood's party barge, and other pieces of machinery just give us something to look at and do some underwater exploring.

In the big deep blue sea however, these submersible items serve as artificial reefs. Many states in the US have artificial reef programs. Florida and Texas have various artificial reef programs where decommissioned ships and oil rigs are submerged to become new homes for sea life.

Here are a few:

Spiegel Grove, Key Largo Florida

Tenneco Towers, Ft. Lauderdale
Snapper, Texas Flower Gardens

So when are you getting certified Wade?


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