Photos by Jennifer Browning

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Goliath grouper attacks diver

Ok so this is a little late, but I just stumbled on this story today and this story caught my attention. I swam with Goliath groupers when I dove the Spiegel in early June. Actually most of the dive spots had resident Goliaths hanging around. Diving around these huge creatures, was incredible. I never worried about diving around the giants because they always seemed so docile. I had heard a tale of a giant grouper swallowing a diver whole, as well as a story about a Goliath chomping down on a diver's arm or leg and dragging the diver deeper, but never really thought it could happen. My own encounters with Goliath's were always timid ones. As I would move in closer to take a photo, they generally tend to move away, but this story is pretty incredible.

On June 7 diver Bob Charles was attacked in the Florida Keys by a Goliath grouper estimating 100 pounds. Charles and his buddy were spearfishing for mangrove snapper when the attack occurred. The goliath mouthed the divers head tearing off his face mask and his regulator. Charles made it back to the boat and suffers from bruises and four stitches to his lip.

Do you think the Goliath confused Charles with a snapper?

Read story here.


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